Whether you’re new to learning Italian or you have some background, Illinois State’s Italian program offers you a rich experience. Our classes, study abroad opportunities in Florence and Bologna, and student club are all about engaging in deeper understanding of all aspects of Italian culture.
Italian Programs

Italian Studies Minor
Students take courses that combine the study of language and culture with the goal of developing advanced language proficiency and a familiarity with contemporary Italian society.
Resources For You
Student Organizations
Learn more about the benefits of involvement in a registered student organization.
Placement Exams
If you have previous experience in a language offered at Illinois State, you can take our Online Placement Exams.
Italian Faculty
Meet the professors and professionals with whom you will be working.
Grammar Help Desk
Students are helped on a first-come, first-served basis with questions that they have concerning their language learning.
Explore Your Options
Fulfill Requirements
Study a language you love while fulfilling requirements toward graduation.
- Italian 112 fulfills the Bachelor of Science language requirement.
- Italian 115 fulfills the Bachelor of Arts language requirement and Gen Ed: Quantitative Reasoning for some.
- Italian 116 counts toward Gen Ed: Languages in the Humanities.
Once you take Italian 116, you’re well on your way to earning a minor. All you need is three more classes. Two of those classes can also count toward General Education requirements.
Here are the electives and requirements for the ITA minor.
Earn Free Credit Hours
If you took this language in high school, you may be able to begin at a higher level of this language at ISU, making you eligible to earn four to eight hours credit for free. This can amount to more than $2,000 in savings.
Email us with questions about placement. -
Partner with Us
If you love this language and culture as much as we do, let’s chat. We’re happy to visit high school classrooms, show you around our space, and come up with new ideas to celebrate and pass on this language and culture.
Email Laura Edwards to start a conversation.
Join La Tavola, Illinois State's Italian club!
You don’t need to know the language or have Italian heritage to come. Everyone is welcome to take part in the fun right here on campus.