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Angela Bailey de las Heras

Instructional Assistant Professor of Spanish
Lang Literatures & Cultures
Stevenson Hall - STV 203B
  • About
  • Research


I have been teaching Spanish for over 18 years. Native of Madrid, Spain, I came to the United States to complete my Masters degree at Illinois State University and then received a scholarship from the Spanish Department of Education where I received a second Masters specializing in teaching Spanish culture, language and literature at Universidad de Alcalá, Spain. I am the co-author of ¡Qué me Dices!, a task-based approach textbook to Spanish conversation. It is a pleasure to teach at Illinois State University as it gives me the opportunity to demonstrate my passion of teaching Spanish.

Current Courses

115.001Second-Year Spanish (Part I)

112.001Beginning Spanish

115.003Second-Year Spanish (Part I)

116.003Second-Year Spanish (Part II)

116.004Second-Year Spanish (Part II)

Book, Authored

Mir, M., & Bailey de las Heras, A. Qué me dices. Pearson (2015)


Beyond grammar and vocabulary: Learning about conversation. Speaking about World Languages Event.. Pearson. (2014)