James J Pancrazio
Lang Literatures & Cultures
Stevenson Hall - STV 243
Office Hours
Tuesday and Thursday 9:00-10:50
Office Phone
- About
- Education
- Awards & Honors
- Research
Originally from Central Illinois. Grew up in the City of Abraham Lincoln. Left home for Mexico in 1985 and has been on an adventure ever since.
Current Courses
112.002Beginning Spanish
233.001Introduction To Hispanic Literature
125.001Literary Narrative: Latin American Fiction
125.002Literary Narrative: Latin American Fiction
125.003Literary Narrative: Latin American Fiction
Teaching Interests & Areas
Latin American Literature and Culture Cuban Literature and Culture Latin American Essay
Research Interests & Areas
Narrative Studies, Creative Writing, Short Fiction Cuban literature and Culture Novelist Alejo Carpentier Enriqueta Faber Sexuality and Psychoanalysis Intersections of History, Culture and Economics
Ph D Latin American Literature
University of Illinois
MA Spanish and Latin American Literatures
University of Illinois
Other Spanish language and literature
Universidad Complutense
Madrid, Spain
Other Spanish language
Universidad Internacional
Cuernavaca, Mexico
BA History
Illinois State University
Normal, IL
Other Spanish language
Universidad Internacional
Cuernavaca, Mexico
Other Spanish language
Universidad Iberoamericana
Mexico City, Federal District
Teacher Quality Enhancement Course Development Grant
Chicago Teacher Pipeline
University Research Grant
College of Arts and Sciences
Bilingual Professional Development
College of Education
University Research Grant
College of Arts and Sciences
University Research Grant
College of Arts and Sciences
Small Research Grant
College of Arts and Sciences
Travel Grant
Center for the Advancement of Teaching
Summer Research Grant
University of Arkansas at Little Rock
Tinker Research Grant
Center for Latin American and Caribbean Studies U of I
Book Review
Camacho, Jorge. Etnografía, política y poder a finales del siglo XIX: José Martí y la cuestión indígena. Chapel Hill, University of North Carolina Press, 2013. 256pp. Caribe, 16.1-2 (2013-2014): 166-171.
Martí, la justicia infinita. Notas sobre ética y otredad en la escritura martiana (1875-1894). Francisco Morán. Madrid: Verbum, 2014. 740 págs. Caribe, 15.2. (2012-2013) 135-140.
Pancrazio, J. Book Review of Jerome Branche's Race, Colonialism, and Social Transformation in Latin America and the Caribbean. Revista Iberoamericana 77.251 (2011): 251-253.
Pancrazio, J. Book Review of Gutiérrez, Mariela A. An Ethnological Interpretation of the Afro-Cuban World of Lydia Cabrera (Lewiston: Edwin Mullen Press). Bulletin of Spanish Studies 87.6 (2010): 881-883.
Pancrazio, J. Book Review of Birkenmaier, Anke. Alejo Carpentier y la cultura surrealista en América Latina (Madrid: Iberoamericana, 2006).. Bulletin of Spanish Studies 86 (2009): 139-140.
Pancrazio, J. Book Review of Montero, Oscar. José Martí: An Introduction (New York: Palgrave, 2004). Caribe 9.2 (2006): 149-153.
Pancrazio, J. Book Review of Steve Wakefield. Carpentier’s Baroque Fiction: Returning Medusa’s Gaze. Woodbridge: Tamesis, 2004. 220pp. and Rita de Maeseneer. El festín de Alejo Carpentier: Una lectura culinario-intertextual. GenPve: Librairie DROZ S. A., 2003. 434pp.. Revista Hispánica Moderna 57 (2004): 330-333.
Pancrazio, J. Book Review of West, Alan. Tropics of History: Cuba Imagined. Westport, Connecticut and London: Bergin and Garvey, 1997. 214 pp. ISBN 0-89789-338-7.. Chasqui-Revista de Literatura Latinoamericana 29.2 (2000): 175-177.
Pancrazio, J. Book Review of Fama, Antonio. Las últimas obras de Alejo Carpentier. Caracas: Ediciones la Casa de Bello, 1995.. Chasqui-Revista de Literatura Latinoamericana 27.1 (1998): 154-156.
Book, Authored
Pancrazio, J. Cuba: Arte y Literatura desde el exilio. James J. Pancrazio and Grace Piney Roche (EDs). Legua Editorial (2011): 329.
Pancrazio, J. Enriqueta Faber: Travestismo, documentos e historia. Editorial Verbum (2009): 170.
Pancrazio, J. The Logic of Fetishism: Alejo Carpentier and The Cuban Tradition. Bucknell University Press (2004): 296.
Book, Chapter
Pancrazio, J. El incesto y el placer de la transculturación.. María Luisa Ochoa (EDs), ¡Ay, qué rico! El sexo en la cultura y la literatura cubana. Editorial Aduana Vieja (2005): 97-111.
Pancrazio, J. Fashioning Cuban Culture: Transvestism and Transculturation. Regina Root (EDs), Latin American Fashion Reader. Berg Publications (2005): 232-246.
Pancrazio, J. Más allá de la confesión y la culpabilidad. Grace Giselle Piney Roche (EDs), Bienvenidos a la transición. Editorial Aduana Vieja (2005): 277-288.
Pancrazio, J. We're all Guilty: Lo Cubano in the Confession. Eva Bueno and Terry Ceasar (EDs), Imagination Beyond Nation: Latin American Popular Culture. University of Pittsburgh Press (2005): 129-141.
Conference Proceeding
Pancrazio, J. El sujeto pervertido y las fantasías ideológicas en 'Semejante a la noche' de Alejo Carpentier. James J. Pancrazio and Gracy Piney Roche (EDs), Cuba: arte y literatura en exilio. Legua Editorial (2011): 75-86.
Pancrazio, J. Bodily Terrain and the Borders of Identity in Latin America. Diáspora 6.6 (1997): 48-65.
Pancrazio, J. Ética y estética: el cuerpo en Sóngoro cosongo y otros poemas tempranos de Nicolás Guillén. Memorias de la conferencia internacional sobre la obra de Nicolás Guillén. Fundación Nicolás Guillón (1995): NP.
Instructor's Manual
Pancrazio, J. Columbus: Beyond the Myth: Teaching the Encounter of Two Worlds in High School and College Classrooms. Workshop for Social Studies and Foreign Language Teachers: Second Annual Summer Program on International Affairs (1994): 70.
Journal Article
Pancrazio, J. Enrollment Sustainability in Foreign Languages Programs. Looney, Dennis (EDs). ADFL Bulletin 43.3 (2017)
Pancrazio, J. Reading History, Psychology and Biography: Recent Approaches to José Martí. Gutierrez-Coto, Amaury F. (EDs). Caribe 18.1-2 (2017): 8-31.
Transvestism in José Ramón Brene’s Escándalo en la Trapa. Caribe. 16.1-2 (2013-14): 7-23.
Pancrazio, J. “Reescritura, invención y plagio: Enriqueta Faber y la escritura del travestismo”. La Habana Elegante 56.20 (2014)
Pancrazio, J. Enriqueta Faber and Writing the Half Truths of Transvestism. Mandorla 12 (2009): 177-191.
Pancrazio, J. Los travestismos de la historia: El caso de Enriqueta Faber. Revista de Estudios Hispánicos 41.2 (2007): 215-236.
Pancrazio, J. El debate sobre el canon cubensis: el problema de la poética y la narrativa. Cuban Studies 37 (2006): 104-121.
Pancrazio, J. El travestismo y la tradición del desconocimiento en Cuba. Encuentro de la Cultura Cubana 41-42 (2006): 229-241.
Pancrazio, J. El triste viejo de García Márquez: sexo y soledad del narcisismo. Cuadernos de Literatura 10.2 (2006): 44.52.
Pancrazio, J. ¡Qué nos olvidemos de Alejo Carpentier!. Revista Hispano-Cubana 21 (2005): 117-120.
Pancrazio, J. Antonio Maceo: la (de)formación nacional y el metarrelato del martirio. Cuban Studies 33 (2003): 156-178.
Pancrazio, J. El performance del travestí en los textos (des)conocidos de Alejo Carpentier. Revista Iberoamericana 205.935-949 (2003)
Pancrazio, J. Transvested Autobiography: Apocrypha and the Monja Alférez. Bulletin of Hispanic Studies 78.4 (2001): 455-73.
Pancrazio, J. La lepra creadora: El barroco como discurso poscolonial. Hojas universitarias 48 (1999): 132-40.
Pancrazio, J. Maceo’s Corps(e): The Paradox of Black and Cuban. Caribe 2.2 (1999): 83-99.
Pancrazio, J. El terreno corporal: las fronteras de identidad en Sóngoro cosongo de Nicolás Guillén. Marges 18 (1997): 237-249.
Pancrazio, J. Rethinking Carpentier's Baroque. Monographic Review/Revista Monográfica 10 (1994): 82-91.
Flores, Juan Carlos. "Grasshopper" Trans. Kristin Dykstra and James J. Pancrazio. Circumference: Poetry in Translation. 1.2 (2004): 26. Trans. Richard Howard. New York: Vintage-Random House, 1988. Print.
Hildebrandt, S., Edwards, L., Pancrazio, J.J. (2020, January 10). Getting to know the Oral Proficiency Interview: Translating it to Student-Ease. Teaching and Learning Symposium - Intentional Technologies: Reclaiming Our Spaces, Illinois State University, Normal, IL.
Going Global. 2017 Teaching and Learning Symposium. CTLT Illinois State University. (2017)
Structure, Style and Meaning in Martí’s Versos libres. Kentucky Foreign Language Conference. (2017)
Literature to increase proficiency in Spanish language. 2016 Teaching & Learning Symposium. Center for Teaching, Learning and Technology. (2016)
The Perspective of an Area Studies Specialist. Internationalization of Illinois State University. The Office of International Studies and Programs. (2016)
Martí’s Critical Labyrinth: Recent Bibliography on José Martí. Kentucky Foreign Language Conference. University of Kentucky at Lexington. (2015)
Rewriting, Invention, and Plagiarism: the Case of Enriqueta Faber, and the writing of transvestism. Latin American and Latino/a Studies Brown Bag Series. ISU LASL. (2015)
Transvestism in José Ramón Brene's Escándalo en la Trapa. 4th International Conference on Carribean Studies. Marquette University. (2014)
Sexualizing the Nation: Miguel de Carrión and the Cuban Republic. Kentucky Foreign Language Conference. University of Kentucky. (2011)
La persistencia del mito: El Che y la temporalidad. Cuban Research Institute. Florida International University. (2010)
The Grandfather and the Tyrant: Images of Masculinity in Reinaldo Arenas. Marquette University. 2nd International Conference on Caribbean Studies.. Marquette University. (2010)
The Name of the Father in the Works of Reinaldo Arenas. Kentucky Foreign Language Conference. University of Kentucky. (2010)
Reading Latin American Essay as Genre. Kentucky Foreign Language Conference. University of Kentucky. (2009)
La libido y la fantasía ideológica: “Semejante a la noche” de Alejo Carpentier. Congreso Con Cuba en la Distancia. Asociación Con Cuba en la Distancia. (2008)
Martí and Race. Kentucky Foreign Language Conference. University of Kentucky. (2008)
José Martí, Genre and the Question of Time. Kentucky Foreign Language Conference. University of Kentucky. (2007)
After the Centenary: New Perspectives on Alejo Carpentier. Cuban Research Institute. Florida International University. (2006)
Buscando a Enriqueta: El caso de Enriqueta Faber. Cuban Research Institute. Florida International University. (2006)
La abdicación del padre en dos novelas de Reinaldo Arenas. Annual Meeting of the AATSP. American Association of Teachers of Spanish and Portuguese. (2006)
Rewriting Incest and the Oedipus in Reinaldo Arenas' Celestino antes del alba. Kentucky Foreign Language Conference. University of Kentucky. (2006)
The Case of Enriqueta Faber: The Search for the Female Transvestite. International Studies Colloquium. Illinois Wesleyan University. (2006)
The Limits of the Canon: the Current Debate in Cuban Literature. Midwest Modern Languages Association. MMLA. (2006)
Writing the Cuban Republic through Women: Miguel de Carrión’s Las honradas. International Conference on Caribbean Literature. The University of Texas Pan-American. (2006)
Incesto, espacios interiores, y aversión sexual en Amistad funesta de José Martí. Congreso Con Cuba en la Distancia. Asociación Con Cuba en la Distancia. (2004)
Fashion Writer as Transvestite. Annual Meeting of the Midwest Modern Languages Association. MMLA. (2003)
Fetishism and Transculturation. Cuban Research Institute. Florida International University. (2003)
En torno al travesti en Cuba. Cuban Research Institute. Florida International University. (2002)
Autobiography and Transvestism in Carpentier. Midwest Modern Languages Association. MMLA. (2000)
Disappearing (into) Blackness: The paradox of mestizaje. Kentucky Foreign Language Conference. Florida International University. (2000)
Maceo’s Body: Elusive Blackness. Annual Meeting of the Latin American Studies Association. Latin American Studies Association. (2000)
Travestismo literario en la obra de Alejo Carpentier. Cuban Research Institute. Florida International University. (2000)
El barroco y la identidad latinoamericana. Congreso Internacional sobre la narrativa latinoamericana en vísperas de un nuevo siglo. Casa de las Américas. (1999)
La desaparición del negro en las narrativas de Alejo Carpentier. Annual Meeting of the AATSP. American Association of Teachers of Spanish and Portuguese. (1999)
The Scapegoat and the Quest for the Origin in Cuban Narrative. Kentucky Foreign Language Conference. University of Kentucky. (1999)
La tensión en el barroco cubano. Midwest Modern Languages Association. MMLA. (1998)
La vuelta a los orígenes como alegoría en la narrativa contemporánea cubana. Kentucky Foreign Language Conference. University of Kentucky. (1998)
En torno a la confesión en El arpa y la sombra. La Chispa. Louisiana State University. (1997)
La confesión cubana (y otros juegos de identidad). Cincinnati Conference on Romance Languages and Literatures. University of Cincinnati. (1997)
La consagración de la primavera y la resistencia a la autobiografía. Annual Meeting of the AATSP. American Association of Teachers of Spanish and Portuguese. (1997)
Reading the Face of Opprobrium, Stigmata, and Disease on the Afro-Cuban Body. Annual Meeting of the South Central Modern Language Association. SCMLA. (1997)
Una lectura del cuerpo y del texto. The Ninth Annual Afro-Hispanic Literature and Culture Conference. Southern Arkansas University. (1997)
Carpentier, la crítica y el barroco. El Escritor y Su Público. La Chispa. Louisiana State University. (1996)
El centro inestable: la identidad latinoamericana en la obra de Alejo Carpentier. Annual Meeting of the Midwest Modern Languages Association. MMLA. (1996)
La persistencia del ser: desde "Viaje a la semilla" a La consagración de la primavera. Annual Mid-America Conference on Hispanic Literature. MACHL. (1996)
Monstruo sin forma: el narrador en El arpa y la sombra. 24th Annual Twentieth-Century Literature Conference. University of Louisville. (1996)
Adam, Columbus and the Devil: Re-Reading Carpentier's El arpa y la sombra. 23rd Annual Twentieth-Century Literature Conference. University of Louisville. (1995)
De diablos y dictadores: el proyecto adánico y el canon latinoamericano. Annual Mid-America Conference on Hispanic Literature. University of Colorado. (1995)
Caliban's Body. Reading the Body as Text in the Chronicles of Christopher Columbus and Pero Vaz de Caminha. Lecture Series at the Center for Latin American and Caribbean Studies. Center for Latin American and Caribbean Studies. (1994)
Ética y estética: el cuerpo en Sóngoro cosongo y otros poemas tempranos de Nicolás Guillén. La Conferencia Internacional sobre la obra de Nicolás Guillén. La Fundación Nicolás Guillén. (1994)
Teaching Workshop. "Columbus: Beyond the Myth: Teaching the Encounter of Two Worlds in High School and College Classrooms". Workshop for Social Studies and Foreign Language Teachers: Second Annual Summer Program on International Affairs: Christopher Columbus in the Western Hemisphere: Hero or Nemesis. Center for Latin American and Caribbean Studies. (1992)
Grants & Contracts
Teaching Innovations Grant. Center for Teaching, Learning and Technology. Illinois State University. (2019)
Internationalize Your Major Grant. Office of International Studies and Programs. Illinois State University. (2018)