Dr. Juliet Lynd

- About
- Education
- Awards & Honors
- Research
Teaching Interests & Areas
Contemporary Latin American Literary and Cultural Studies
Topics in Dictatorship and Postdictatorship
Transatlantic Connections between Latin America and Spain
Gender and Literature
Literature and Politics
Literary, Performative, and Visual Arts of Latin America
Research Interests & Areas
Contemporary Latin American Literary and Cultural Studies
Politics of Literature and Culture in Chile since the 1960s
Intersections between theories of literature, culture, politics, and performance
BA Hispanic Studies
Ph D Hispanic and Luso-Brazilian Literatures and Linguistics
MA Hispanic Literatures
Florence Howe Award
Book Review
Lynd, Juliet. Review Essay on Posthegemony: Political Theory and Latin America. Jon Beasley-Murray. Minneapolis: Minnesota UP, 2010. 376 pages. JAC: A Journal of Rhetoric, Culture, and Politics 34.1-2 (2014): 379-387. Invited. Print.
Book, Chapter
Lynd, Juliet. “La historia precaria de un manuscrito tenaz: de Sabor a mí a El Zen Surado.” Introduction and notes to El zen surado: 1966-1972 by Cecilia Vicuña. Santiago de Chile: Editorial Catalonia, 2013. Print.
Lynd, Juliet. “El problema del duelo y el futuro de las literaturas nacionales: el caso de Roberto Bolaño.” Estar en el presente: literatura y nación desde el Bicentenario. Eds. Enrique Cortez and Gwen Kirkpatrick. Lima-Berkeley: Latinoamérica Editores, 2012. 363-386. Print. Also published in Actas del XXXVIII Congreso del Instituto Internacional de Literatura Latinoamericana. Eds. Enrique Cortez and Gwen Kirkpatrick. E-book. http://www.iiligeorgetown2010.com/2/pdf/Lynd.pdf. Online.
Lynd, Juliet. “Writing from the Margins of the Chilean Miracle: Diamela Eltit and the Aesthetics and Politics of the Transition.” Post-Authoritarian Culture: Spain and Latin America’s Southern Cone. Eds. Luis Martín Estudillo and Roberto Ampuero. Hispanic Issues. Vanderbilt UP, 2008. 12-33. Invited submission. Print.
Lynd, Juliet. “Memoria y el obstinado problema de la complicidad: estéticas, políticas y Hernán Vidal.” Ideologías y literatura: Homenaje a Hernán Vidal. Eds. Javier Campos and Mabel Moraña. Serie Crítica. Pittsburgh: Instituto Internacional de Literatura Iberoamericana, 2006. 315-345. Invited submission. Print.
Conference Proceeding
Lynd, Juliet. “Art and Politics in Paul Leduc’s Frida: naturaleza viva.” Romance Languages Annual 10 (1998): 696-702. Print.
Lynd, Juliet. “The Voice of the Other in Alejo Carpentier’s Baroque World: The Challenge to Authoritarian Discourse in El reino de este mundo and Los pasos perdidos.” Romance Languages Annual 9 (1997): 593-99. Print.
Journal Article
Lynd, Juliet. “The Politics of Performance and the Performance of Narrative in Roberto Bolaño’s Estrella distante.” Chasqui: Revista de literatura latinoamericana 40.1. May 2011. 170-188. Print.
Lynd, Juliet. “‘Hondo es el pozo del tiempo’: Memory and Violence in Raúl Zurita’s Las ciudades de agua (2007).” Mandorla: New Writing from the Americas/Nueva escritura de las Américas 13 (2010): 405-420. Print.
Lynd, Juliet. “Reflections on a Conversation with Ana María Jiménez, Wife of Ángel Escobar.” Included in a dossier on Ángel Escobar (with translations of his poetry by Kristin Dykstra and an essay by Efraín Rodríguez, also translated by Dykstra). Sirena: poesía, arte y crítica 2010: 2. 126-136. Print.
Lynd, Juliet. “Precarious Resistance: Weaving Opposition in the Poetry of Cecilia Vicuña.” PMLA 120.5 (October 2005): 1588-1607. Winner of the Florence Howe Award (2006). Print.
Connelly, Caryn and Juliet Lynd. “Happy Sadist or Latent Feminist?: Un Buñuel Mexicain.” Studies in Latin American Popular Culture 21 (2002): 233-249. Print.
Lynd, Juliet and Carmen Moreno-Nuño. “Las edades de Lulú: ¿feminismo, pornografía o novela rosa?” Lead article. España Contemporánea: Revista de Literatura y Cultura 15.1 (Spring 2002): 7-30. Print.
Connelly, Caryn and Juliet Lynd. “Virgins, Brides and Devils in Disguise: Buñuel Does Mexican Melodrama.” Lead article. Quarterly Review of Film and Video 18.3 (August 2001): 235-56. Print.
“Escrituras al seco, ladino-americas, & other paleonasms: entreview with/con Andrés Ajens.” Interview by Kent Johnson. Translated, Edited, and with Notes & Commentary by Kristin Dykstra and Juliet Lynd. Lana Turner: A Journal of Poetry and Opinion 6 (Fall 2013). 297-321. Print. And web: http://www.lanaturnerjournal.com/contents-current/andres-ajens-kent-johnson-entreview