Montserrat Mir
Lang Literatures & Cultures
Stevenson Hall - STV 204
Office Hours
Spring 2020 Tuesdays and Thursdays 10-11am
Office Phone
- About
- Education
- Awards & Honors
- Research
Born in Barcelona. Attended the University of Barcelona and majored in English Philology. . Completed my MA in Teaching of English as a Second Language and a PhD in Education: Second Language Teaching and Learning in 1994 from University of Illinois, Champaign-Urbana. Employed by Illinois State University since 1997.
Current Courses
112.001Beginning Spanish
243.001Cultura Espanola
213.001Written Communication In Spanish
Teaching Interests & Areas
Spanish language and linguistics
Research Interests & Areas
Teacher Education, Spanish oral discourse, Pragmatics
Ph D Education
University of Illinois
University of Illinois
BA English Philology
Universitat de Barcelona
Barcelona, Spain
International Travel Grant
College of Arts and Sciences, ISU
Research Priorities Initiative
American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL)
Travel grant
Center for Teaching, Learning and Technology (CTLT), Illinois State University
Travel grant
Center for Teaching, Learning and Technology (CTLT), Illinois State Universit
Travel grant
Center for Teaching, Learning and Technology (CTLT), Illinois State Universit
Extended University
Illinois State University
Research grant
Center for Teaching, Learning and Technology (CTLT), Illinois State Universit
Who's Who Among America's Teachers
Travel grant
FEIC, Illinois State University
Who's Who Among America's Teachers
Extended University
Illinois State University
Travel Grant
College of Arts and Sciences, ISU
Teaching resources grant
Center for Teaching, Learning and Technology (CTLT), Illinois State Universit
Who's Who Among America's Teachers
Travel Grant
Center for Advancement of Teaching, Illinois State University
Research grant
College of Arts and Sciences, ISU
Travel grant
College of Arts and Sciences, ISU
Travel grant
Center for Advancement of Teaching, Illinois State University
Book Review
Mir, M. Taboada, M, Dobal Suarez, S., and Gonzalez Alvarez, E. (eds.) (2013). Contrastive Discourse Analysis: Functional and Corpus Perspectives. Bristol: Equinox. ISBN # 978-1-908049-75-9, xi-356 pp. Ingrid Piller (EDs). Multilingua: Journal of Cross-Cultural and Interlanguage Communication (MULTI)
Book, Authored
Mir, M., & Bailey de las Heras, A. Qué me dices. Pearson (2015)
Book, Chapter
Mir, M. Learning about L2 Spanish requests abroad through classroom and ethnography-based pragmatics instruction. J. C. Felix-Brasdefer and R. Shively (EDs), New Directions in Second LanguagePragmatics. Mouton de Gruyter. (2021): 28-57.
Mir, M. Teaching Practices in learning Spanish L2 Pragmatics: What research says, what textbooks offer, what teachers must do”. D. Dumitrescu and P.L. Andueza (EDs), L2 Spanish Pragmatics: From Research to Teaching. Routledge, Taylor and Francis Group. (2018): 33-52.
Mir, M. La lectura como base para la comunicación oral. Santiago Guervós et al (EDs), Del texto a la lengua: La aplicación de los textos a la enseñanza-aprendizaje del español L2-LE. Proceedings from XIX International Convention ASELE (Asociación para la enseñanza del español como lengua extranjera). (2011): 1155-1166.
Journal Article
Mir, M., & Cots, J. The use of humor in Spanish and English compliment responses: A cross-cultural analysis. Humor: International Journal of Humor Research 32.3 (2019): 393-416.
Mir, M. Joining forces in constructing meaning in Spanish L2 conversations. Revista Electrónica de Lingüística Aplicada 12 (2013): 37-44.
Mir, M. Negotiation of meaning in Spanish L2 Task-Focused Conversations. Prof. Dr. Thomas Tinnefeld (EDs). Journal of Linguistics and Language Teaching. 4.1 (2013): 77-95.
Mir, M. Teaching and learning about Spanish L2 compliments in short-term study abroad. Abroad Research in Second Language Acquisition and International Education 5.2: 230-257.
Borrull, F. and Mir, M. (2023, November 18). An Approach to Board of Education Content Area Test Preparation for Teacher Licensure. ACTFL Convention and World Language Expo. Chicago, IL.
Beyond grammar and vocabulary: Learning about conversation. Speaking about World Languages Event.. Pearson. (2014)
"Well….I’m not that good” Responding to a compliment in Spanish and English L1 and L2.. 19th International Conference on Pragmatics and Language Learning.. (2014)
Hablantes de herencia en los Estados Unidos: Quiénes son, qué quieren, qué reciben. XXI International Convention ASELE (Asociación para la enseñanza del español como lengua extranjera).. University of Girona. (2012)
Taking online research tasks to the conversational level. Language Symposium. University of Illinois. (2012)
Teacher language proficiency and communicative language teaching. ISU Teaching Learning Symposium. (2011)
Grants & Contracts
CTLT Travel Grant. CTLT. Illinois State University.