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Rachel Shively

Lang Literatures & Cultures
Stevenson Hall - STV 244
  • About
  • Education
  • Awards & Honors
  • Research

Current Courses

370.001Topics In Spanish Pedagogy

213.002Written Communication In Spanish

Teaching Interests & Areas

Applied linguistics, Spanish linguistics, technology and language learning, Spanish language and culture, discourse analysis

Research Interests & Areas

Spanish, second language acquisition, study abroad, pragmatics, discourse analysis

Ph.D. Hispanic Linguistics

University of Minnesota
Minneapolis, MN

M.A. Hispanic Linguistics

University of Minnesota
Minneapolis, MN

M.Ed. Adult Education

University of Minnesota
Minneapolis, MN

B.A. Anthropology

University of Arizona
Tucson, AZ

ACTFL-MLJ Paul Pimsler Award for Research in Foreign Language Education

American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages and the Modern Language Journal

Book, Authored

Shively, R. L. (2018). Learning and using conversational humor in a second language during study abroad. Berlin: De Gruyter.

Book, Chapter

Bell, N. D., Shardakova, M., & Shively, R. L. (2021). The DCT as an assessment method for L2 humor production. In C. Félix-Brasdefer & R. L. Shively (Eds.), New directions in second language pragmatics. Berlin: De Gruyter.
Shively, R. L. (2021). Assessing L2 pragmatic competence. In C. Félix-Brasdefer & R. L. Shively (Eds.), New directions in second language pragmatics. Berlin: De Gruyter.
Shively, R. L. (2021). Researching Spanish heritage language pragmatics in study abroad. In R. Pozzi, T. Quan, & C. Escalante (Eds.), Heritage speakers of Spanish and study abroad. New York: Routledge.
Shively, R. L. (2020). Pragmatics instruction and assessment in study abroad research. In D. Koike & C. Félix-Brasdefer (Eds.), Handbook of Spanish pragmatics (pp. 501-514). New York: Routledge.
Pérez Vidal, C., & Shively, R. L. (2019). L2 pragmatic development in study abroad settings. In N. Taguchi (Ed.), Handbook of SLA and pragmatics (pp. 355-371). New York: Routledge.
Shively, R. L. (2019). Pautas para la elaboración de un proyecto de investigación en pragmática. In M. E. Placencia & X. Padilla (Eds.), Guía práctica de pragmática del español. New York: Routledge.
Shively, R. L. (2018). Study abroad. In K. Potowski (Ed.), Handbook of Spanish as a minority/heritage language (pp. 408-419). New York: Routledge.
Shively, R. L. (2018). Language socialization during study abroad: Researching social interaction outside the classroom. In S. Coffey & U. Wingate (Eds.), New directions in foreign language education research (pp. 97-112). New York: Routledge.
Shively, R. L. (2018). Naturalistic data in L2 pragmatics research: Challenges and opportunities. In A. Gudmestad & A. Edmonds (Eds.), Critical reflections on data in second language acquisition (pp. 197-218). Amsterdam: John Benjamins.

Shively, R. L. (2016). Heritage language learning in study abroad: Motivations, identity work, and language development. In D. Pascual (Ed.), Advances in Spanish as a heritage language (pp. 259-280). Amsterdam: John Benjamins.

Brewer, E., Shively, R. L., Gozik, N., Doyle, D., & Savicki, V. (2015). Beyond the study abroad industry: Perspectives from other disciplines on assessing study abroad learning outcomes. In V. Savicki & E. Brewer (Eds.), Assessing study abroad: Theory, tools, and practice (pp. 33-56). Sterling, VA: Stylus.

Shively, R. L. (2015). “Tú no eres española”: Teasing of L2 learners in host family communities of practice. In D. A. Koike & C. S. Blyth (Eds.), Dialogue in multilingual and multimodal communities (pp. 107-137). Amsterdam: John Benjamins.

Shively, R. L. (2013). Language in context: Pragmatics in second language Spanish. In K. Geeslin (Ed.), The Handbook of Spanish Second Language Acquisition (pp. 331-350). Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell.

Howard, M., & Shively, R. L. (forthcoming). Interculturality and the study abroad experience: Pragmatic and sociolinguistic development. In I. Kesckes (Ed.), Cambridge Handbook on Intercultural Pragmatics. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Shively, R. L. (accepted). Research design in qualitative approaches. In C. Sanz & C. Pérez-Vidal (Eds.), Methods in study abroad research: Past, present and future. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
Shively, R. L. (forthcoming). Discourse analysis in study abroad research. In J. McGregor & J. Plews (Eds.), Designing second language study abroad research: Critical reflections on methods and data. New York: Palgrave McMillan.

Book, Edited

Félix-Brasdefer, C., & Shively, R. L. (Eds.). (2021). New directions in second language pragmatics. Berlin: De Gruyter.

Journal Article

Shively, R. L., Acevedo, J., Cano, R., & Etxeberria-Ortega, I. (2022). Teaching humorous irony to L2 and heritage speakers of Spanish. Language Teaching Research, 26, 279-302.
Shively, R. L., & Mir, M. (2019). “Put a little bit of humor into it”: Teachers’ humor in the beginning-level Spanish classroom. Applied Pragmatics, 1, 93-118.
Shively, R. L. (2017). Development of assessments in L2 Spanish in study abroad. Journal of Spanish Language Teaching, 3, 157-170.

Shively, R. L. (2016). An activity theoretical approach to social interaction in study abroad. L2 Journal, 8, 51-75.

Shively, R. L. (2016). Development of assessments in L2 Spanish in study abroad. Journal of Spanish Language Teaching, 3, 157-170.

Shively, R. L. (2015). Developing interactional competence during study abroad: Listener responses in L2 Spanish. System, 48, 86-98.

Shively, R. L. (2013). Learning to be funny in Spanish during study abroad: L2 humor development. The Modern Language Journal, 97(4), 930-946.

Shively, R. L. (2013). Out-of-class interaction during study abroad: Service encounters in Spain. Spanish in Context, 10(1), 53-91.

Bataller, R., & Shively, R. L. (2011). Roleplays and naturalistic data in interlanguage pragmatics research: Service encounters during study abroad. Journal of Linguistics and Language Teaching, 2(1).

Shively, R. L. (2011). L2 pragmatic development in study abroad: A longitudinal study of Spanish service encounters. Journal of Pragmatics, 43(6), 1818-1835.

Shively, R. L. (2010). From the virtual world to the real world: A model of pragmatics instruction for study abroad. Foreign Language Annals, 43(1), 105-137. Winner of the 2011 ACTFL-MLJ Paul Pimsleur Award for Research in Foreign Language Education.

Shively, R. L. (2008). L2 acquisition of [β], [∂], and [ɣ] in Spanish: Impact of experience, linguistic environment, and learner variables. Southwest Journal of Linguistics, 27(2), 79-114.

Shively, R. L., & Cohen, A. D. (2008). Development of Spanish requests and apologies during study abroad. Íkala: Revista de Lenguaje y Cultura, 13(20), 57-118.

Shively, R. L., Menke, M. R., & Manzón-Omundson, S. M. (2008). Perception of irony by L2 learners of Spanish. Issues in Applied Linguistics, 16(2), 101-132.

Cohen, A. D., & Shively, R. L. (2007). Acquisition of requests and apologies in Spanish and French: Impact of study abroad and strategy-building intervention. The Modern Language Journal, 91(2), 189-212.

Paige, R. M., Cohen, A. D., & Shively, R. L. (2004). Assessing the impact of a strategies-based curriculum on language and culture learning abroad. Frontiers: The Interdisciplinary Journal of Study Abroad, 10, 253-276.


Teacher language proficiency and communicative language teaching. ISU Teaching Learning Symposium. (2011)