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This advice does not replace Italian Studies minor requirements in the undergraduate catalog. Please reach out to Dr. Laura Edwards with any questions or concerns.

The Italian Studies minor requires 25 hours of ITA courses and electives.
The number of courses you will need to take depends upon AP credit, Seal of Biliteracy, and the level of Italian at which you start at ISU (because you can earn CAP credit for free that can count toward the minor).

Courses that may count toward elective credit:

  • IDS 121A19: Texts and Contexts: Literary Studies (GE: LH) when it is Italian content
  • IDS 121A20: Modern and Contemporary Italy in Italian Film GE: LH
  • IDS 133: Italian Food Culture: Bologna, Italy (Only during ISU in Bologna study abroad) GE: H
  • ITA 113: Italian Language Practice Through Service Encounters (Only during ISU in Bologna study abroad)
  • ITA 221: Advanced Italian Conversation and Contemporary Society (fall or spring semester, offered every other year)
  • ITA 222: Introduction to Modern Italian Literature and Film (fall or spring semester, offered every other year)
  • ITA 287: Independent Study in Italian (with approval by the Italian professor)
  • LAN 128: Gender in the Humanities (only when taught by an Italian professor, double-check to be certain) GE: LH
  • HIS 102: Modern Western Civilization GE: LH
  • HIS 221: Ancient Roman History (spring only)
  • HIS 222: Middle Ages 395-1100 (fall only)
  • HIS 223: Middle Ages 1100-1500 (spring only)
  • HIS 224: The Renaissance (seldom taught)
  • ART 156: Survey of Art II GE: FA
  • ART 241: Roman Art and Architecture
  • ART 244: Italian Renaissance Painting
  • and other Italian courses abroad and at ISU when pre-approved by Italian faculty