Student Life
Involvement in a registered student organization is a great way for students to become more involved with their major, minor, or area of interest. To learn more about the benefits of involvement in a registered student organization or to find more groups, visit the Dean of Students website.
Student Clubs
Francophone Club
ISU's Francophone Club is made up of students, faculty, and staff who come together to explore and celebrate francophone language and culture. Participants practice their French all while getting to know each other in twice-weekly conversation hours and other thematic events hosted by ISU's French Honor Society.
Want to see what types of people major or minor in French and Francophone Studies? Check out our weekly showcase, Vendredi Visage, on Insta and Facebook of students currently in French classes.
Anyone connected to Illinois State with an interest in speaking French can join our conversation hours.
Contact Information
Follow on InstagramEvents
We host weekly conversation hours and monthly events. Find out about all of our events and conversation hours on Instagram
Laura Edwards
Director of Recruitment and Retention
Academic Advisor -
Pi Delta Phi (French Honor Society)
Pi Delta Phi is the National French Honor Society. Illinois State's chapter is Delta Psi.
Delta Psi's goals are to:
- Recognize excellent students in French and Francophone language, literature and culture.
- Increase the knowledge and appreciation of the cultural contributions of the French-speaking world.
- Welcome and be of service to our local French-speaking community through various volunteer opportunities.
Newsletters written by the French Honor Society Exec Board:
- Fall 2019
- Spring 2020
- Fall 2020
- Spring 2021
- Fall 2021
- Spring 2022
- Fall 2022
- Spring 2023
- Fall 2023 Spring 2024 Fall 2024
Laura Edwards
Director of Recruitment and Retention
Academic Advisor -
French Film Series
The French section hosts a film series that students in French classes attend. Three films are screened each semester, giving students additional exposure to linguistic and cultural content in context and introducing students to different genres of Francophone film.
Erin Tremblay Ponnou-Delaffon
Associate Professor French
Kaffeestunde - German Club and Conversation Hour
Students, professors, and members of the community meet every for snacks and conversation on
Tuesdays at 3 p.m. in the Language Commons STV 227B.
Contact @isudeutschklub on Instagram
AdvisorDr. Elke Segelcke
German Film Series
Students in German have the opportunity to see German films throughout the academic year. Upcoming dates will be announced.
Dr. Elke Segelcke
Delta Phi Alpha (German Honor Society)
Delta Phi Alpha is the National German Honor Society. Please contact the advisor for eligibility and meeting details.
Jonathan Martin
Assistant Professor of German
Spanish Club
Spanish Club celebrates Hispanic culture year-round with different activities.
The Spanish Club allows its members to learn more about Hispanic culture and Spanish language, get students involved in different activities such as weekly conversation hour, cultural night, cinema night, cultural presentations, volunteer work, and have fun.
Everyone is welcome to join the Spanish Club, but you don’t need to be a member of the club in order to participate in our events throughout the year. Stop by our meetings and bring your friends.
Meetings: Conversation Hour at 5:30 p.m. Tuesdays. Our Cultural Night Meeting is the last Thursday of each month at 5:30 p.m., also in Stevenson 212.
Marinelly Castillo Zuniga
Instructional Assistant Professor
Sigma Delta Pi (National Collegiate Spanish Honor Society)
Sigma Delta Pi is the National Collegiate Spanish Honor Society, established in 1919. Illinois State's award-winning Eta Upsilon chapter was created in 1967.
Sigma Delta Pi is the largest foreign language honor society in the world, with over 600 chapters and the only honor society devoted exclusively to students of Spanish in four-year colleges and universities.
Our goal is to promote the importance of languages in today’s globalized society. Members of Sigma Delta Pi use their Spanish abilities within the academic and professional realm. Guest speakers come to speak to us about careers in Spanish. We also volunteer within the community by interpreting and teaching. Social events take place throughout the year such as literature discussions or movie nights. One of the biggest advantages of becoming a member includes exclusive scholarships to study abroad and using your language skills in context.
Active membership is limited to college students who have demonstrated high scholarship in general and excellence in the academic study of Spanish. Once inducted, you are a member for life.
Angela Bailey
Instructional Assistant Professor
Artaburu Basque Organization (Basque Club)
Basque Club combines the unique Basque language with northern peninsular culture.
Basque, the oldest language of Western Europe, is an isolated language, which is ancestral to the Basque people. The Basques are indigenous to and primarily inhabit the Basque Country, a region spanning an area in northeastern Spain and southwestern France.
Artaburu Basque Club offers the opportunity to be immersed in the language and culture with different activities such as free language classes, the food workshop, cinema night and cultural night.
All of its members welcome you to join the Basque Club! We don’t ask for club membership, the only thing needed is to be willing to participate in the club with us and share our different cultures. Stop by our meetings whenever you feel like it!
Meetings: Thursdays at 6:30 p.m. in STV 227B.
Patxi Laskurain
Associate Professor
Mandarin Chinese Club and Conversation Hour
Enhance your classroom learning by using the language and talking about Chinese culture with your fellow students.
Culture Talk is on the first and third Mondays of each month, from 5-6 p.m.
Conversation Hour is on the second and fourth Mondays of each month, from 5-6 p.mWhere: 202 Stevenson Hall
Shih Wei Chiang
Italian Conversation Hour
Italian 111, 112, 115, 116, and 200-level students attend a variety of conversation hours throughout the semester for Italian language practice along with activities such as amateur Italian art painting, pasta-making, Italian music appreciation, pizzelle-making, Italian games, and more!
ISU Italian Club - La Tavola
ISU's Italian club and RSO, La Tavola offers many opportunities to get together and share in Italian culture and language. Watch this video to learn more about La Tavola.
La Tavola Newsletters:
Italian Cineforum
The Italian section presents Cineforum to students in Italian classes each semester. Recent screenings have been:
- Mine vaganti (Loose Cannons, 2010) – Ferzan Özpetek
- La pazza gioia (Like Crazy, 2016) – Paolo Virzì
- Divorzio all’italiana (Divorce Italian Style, 1961) – Pietro Germi
- Mio fratello è figlio unico (My Brother is an Only Child, 2007) - Daniele Luchetti
- Le fate ignoranti (The Ignorant Fairies, 2001) – Ferzan Özpetek
- I vitelloni (1953) – Federico Fellini
Laura Edwards
Director of Recruitment and Retention
Academic Advisor
Nihon Bunka Kai (Japanese Language and Culture Club)
Improve your conversational Japanese, learn from guest speakers, play language games, go on field trips, all in a comfortable setting by chatting with other interested students. This club is open to all students (and all ISU affiliated people) who have an interest in Japan.
- President: Josh Hammer (2024-2025)
- Vice-president/Treasurer: TBA
Kazumi Hartry
Latin Club
The Latin Club meets monthly during the academic year. All students are welcome.
Dr. Kathryn Jasper
Associate Professor